Frequently asked questions - FAQs

What are the delivery times of your products?

The processing time varies depending on the order. Please contact us via the chatbot if necessary.

You deliver all over the world?
Yes, absolutely. We deliver around the world.

Where do you ship your product from?
Our offices and warehouses are in France.

Is there product/tracking information?
Yes, you will receive an email when shipping the product to follow in real time its journey.

Some items are missing from my order, what happens?
Our products are shipped separately according to your order. For example, if they contain items from two different warehouses, there are two shipments. The rest of the order should arrive shortly.

I received a damaged item. What can I do?
We’re sorry to hear that. Simply email us a photo of the damaged item at and we will work to find a solution quickly.

What is your position?
We are located in France.

Do you have a withdrawal policy?
We have a withdrawal policy of 30 days from receipt of the product.